Welcome to my Project Showcase. Here you will find some of the retro video game projects I have completed over the years. My work covers console modifications, upgrades and repairs as well as arcade machine restoration.

Sega Game Gear Repair and Mods
Repairing a game gear with no sound and video display issues. Capacitor replacement. Installing a new LCD screen. I was looking for a controller in my video game store room ...

XBox modding in 2022
modifying a stock Xbox in 2022 with modchip and 1tb hard drive. Installing XBMC4Xbox and transferring games Recently I was having nostalgic flashbacks to the 00's, when the Microsoft Xbox ...

Resurrecting CPS2 Game
Resurrecting a dead CPS2 game with a flat suicide battery. Low cost solution that only takes a few minutes. CPS2 Game with flat battery Recently I realised it was time ...

Building a Sega Racing Cabinet – Sega Rally
Project to build a Sega Rally style racing/driving arcade cabinet. Cabinet construction, components and setup information. DIY project, using a mix of PC and Arcade components. New and Used parts ...

RetroFlag Raspberry Pi EmulationStation builds
Creating custom RetroPie emulation consoles based around the Raspberry Pi, RetroFlag cases and controllers. installation and tweaking EmulationStation. With all my game collection, tool and most of my equipment packed ...

TF330 accelerator card Amiga CD32
Introducing the TF330 card for CD32 console. Looking at the hardware, installation and setup of workbench, WHDLoad and programs and games. Introducing the TF330 card for CD32 console. The Amiga ...

PSIO Flash Cartridge for Sony PlayStation
PSIO Flash Cartridge for Sony PlayStation. Installation, fitting the switch board mod. updating firmware and testing the PSIO. PSIO Flash Cartridge At last I have my PSIO cartridge! If you ...

Dreamcast USB-GDROM Optical Disc Emulator Board
Details on the USB-GDROM device. Installation, usage and comparison to the popular GDEMU. Preparing a drive and other modifications to consider. USB-GDROM and ODE devices Firstly, whats an ODE? It ...

Sega Saturn, Making the perfect Saturn console
Putting together the ultimate Sega Saturn setup. selecting components and modifying a stock Saturn to make the prefect gaming setup. I still love the Sega Saturn... I was a total ...

Mega Drive, Mega CD, 32X Switchless mods
Installing the "seb" Switchless region and video frequency modification to my Mega Drive (v1). Removing old switches. Installing Triple region bios on Mega CD, and combining this to function with ...

PlayStation 2 SATA Hard Drive upgrade
Replacing the internal IDE hard drive in a fat PS2 with a newer SATA drive. Replacing the IDE connector in the Sony network adaptor. Upgrading, setting up and installing games ...

Dreamcast IDE Dreamshell Bios Upgrade
Upgrading a Sega Dreamcast to use an IDE hard drive. Installation of custom BIOS/Boot loader and Dreamshell. Dreamcast IDE I've been looking forward to getting some time to try this ...

Sonic 3 Complete, Reproduction Cartridge
Constructing a reproduction cartridge for Sonic 3 Complete. Removing original Rom from donor cart and replacing with a programmed EPROM chip. Sonic 3 Complete So I just found out about ...

SNES Reproduction Cartridges: Mario RPG & Star Fox 2
My homemade DIY Super Nintendo (SNES) reproduction cartridges. Information on making your own copy English copy of Mario RPG and Star Fox 2. Tools equipment required. Reproduction Cartridge? I'm sure ...

MV-1B Neo-Geo MVS Unibios Installation
Installing and testing the Unibios in my 1 slot Neo-Geo MV-1B arcade board. Removing old Bios and installing new socket and bios Unibios chip. The Neo-Geo MV-1B and Universe Bios ...

Amiga 1200 Infinitiv Tower and Mediator system
Project overview for my Amiga 1200 Infinitiv Tower System/ Featuring Mediator PCI board, Voodoo graphics and PPC processor, plus much, much more. Infinitiv Tower In all the excitement recently of ...

Naomi Universal Cabinet Arcade Restoration + modifications
Restoration project of a Virtua Tennis Sega Naomi Universal cabinet. Upgrading the control panel and other repairs. Naomi Universal cabinet How long have you had a project on the go ...

Amiga 600 Preparing for Vampire 600 128v2 upgrade
Amiga 600 preparations. With My Vampire 600 card heading my way very soon, I've finished getting the Amiga 600 ready. Here is a rundown of the hardware changes I made ...

NEC PC Engine Interface Unit RGB Mod
Another recent purchase of mine was a second NEC PC Engine setup complete with CD-Rom2 and Interface unit. I already have the same system boxed in good condition, I got ...

Famicom AV Composite Mod Nintendo upgrade
So a while ago I found an original Nintendo Famicom console. I was also a little disappointed to discover that I couldn't tune it into my TV set. Apparently most ...

Netboot with Raspberry Pi
This project it to get Sega Naomi netboot working with a Rasbperry Pi in place of a PC or laptop. Firstly take a look at my other article about how ...

Amiga CD32 Repairs
Repairs required to getting my Amiga CD32 games console working again. Replacing CD-Rom and faulty capacitors. Amiga CD32 not Working I recently uncovered a box in my storage location containing ...

Netboot Sega Naomi NetDimm
Project to get the Netboot feature working on the Naomi arcade system using a Raspberry Pi computer board. Overview of the process, equipment and software required. No links to ROM ...

Dreamcast to Naomi Cabinet
Converting a Dreamcast for use in a Sega Naomi arcade cabinet. Project covers connectors and modifications to the console and universal JVS cabinet. Dreamcast Arcade. Sega managed to convert many ...

Nomad Rechargeable Battery
Photos and information on how I converted a Sony camcorder battery and charger to work on the Sega Nomad. So now my nomad had a better quality LCD screen installed, ...

Sega Nomad LCD screen upgrade, Replacing with new 3.5″ TFT
This project covers the removal of the original Sega Nomad LCD screen, and upgrading it with a newer and better LCD. Sega Nomad The Sega Nomad was a portable Sega ...

Sega Game Gear Capacitor Fix
Project to fix the failing sound and screen issues on my Sega Game Gear. Capacitor replacement with kit from eBay. Sega Game Gear faulty capacitors I have a soft spot ...

Amiga 1200 Desktop upgrade (version 2, 2011)
One of the very few things I’ve had time for this year is playing around on my fantastic modified Amiga 1200. A couple of years ago I installed a Blizzard ...

Amiga 1200 Desktop upgrade (version 1, 2010)
This isn’t really a new project to me, its been in the works for a while now between other things like my Laserdisc collection and arcade machine restorations. Since I ...

Scud Race Restoration
Game Details Scud Race, or Sega Super GT as it was known in the US is a racing game from Sega’s AM2 arcade division. The same people who also created ...

N64 RGB Mod
Background The N64 is an interesting system. It was the first to include a control pad with an analogue stick as standard, and the first to push some of Nintendo’s ...

Display Kiosk for Sega Dreamcast console
Sega Dreamcast Display Kiosk Back in 1999 when Sega were ready to start selling the Dreamcsast they sent out a number of display kiosk units to retail chains that would ...

Jamma Supergun
“What is a Supergun?” I hear you ask. A Supergun is a device that allows arcade games to be played on a home TV rather than needing a large arcade ...

JammaDrive Arcade Sega Mega Drive
My conversion of the Sega Mega Drive to operate in a Jamma Arcade cabinet. Jammadrive project. Sega produced some of the most memorable and lasting arcade games of the late ...

Neo-Geo Console Controler
Recently I was lucky enough to get hold of an SNK Neo-Geo CDZ console at a very good price. After a long time of looking at the various SNK systems ...
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