Initial D Arcade Cabinet (part 2)

Rebuilding the Sega racing cabinet after metalwork restoration, and repainting. Custom Initial D conversion from Outrun 2.
Very excited to say I have got back all the metal pieces of the Sega Outrun 2 cabinet. I had sent them to be sandblasted and power coat painted by local companies in Leeds. They look fantastic now with a fresh semi gloss paint finish. Hopefully I’ll never have paint issues with this cabinet as all the paint work was done professionally, and its going to live in a dry temperature controlled area.
Sandblasting work in progress images:
Rebuild started
Now I can start rebuilding the cabinet from the base up. Its a good jobs I cleared some room in the workshop before starting. Once complete its not going to move much, but at least I know it can always be disassembled again if needed later.
So starting with the base, I laid the unit on its side and reattached the caster wheels. These plastic wheels were very dirty and needed cleaning before refitting. The metal cleaned up nicely with some degreasing cleaner. The balancing legs were also screwed back in at this stage. Now the base unit can sit in position while I continue to work.
Next I decided to replace the foot pedal panel, and the cable tunnel box. Lastly I placed the upper section support.
That’s all I have time for now. Next Time I’ll reinstall the seat, but from there it gets more complicated, and I might have to tackle the steering controls before reinstalling more parts.
Checkout my previous post on this cab
It’s incredible to see the progress on the Sega Outrun 2 cabinet conversion to an Initial D setup! The detailed work on restoring the metal parts with sandblasting and painting shows a commitment to maintaining quality and durability. I’m particularly interested in how you plan to tackle the more complex elements, like the steering controls. What are the most challenging aspects of the conversion process so far, and how do you plan to approach them?
Just uploading Part 3. This includes the steering consoles.