8Bitplus Blog and Latest News


Microscope assisted soldering

I’ve joined the digital microscope party, if there is such a thing. Honestly finding it easier for the tiny little solder points of this PS2 Slim. Even in cases where its not directly needed to do a solder, its great...


Initial D Arcade Cabinet (part 3)

Time for some updates on the Sega Initial D cabinet I’ve been working on over this summer. Its now mostly complete, but I’ve just not had chance to document the progress. Continuing from where I left off, the next objective...


Initial D Arcade Cabinet (part 2)

Rebuilding the Sega racing cabinet after metalwork restoration, and repainting. Custom Initial D conversion from Outrun 2. Very excited to say I have got back all the metal pieces of the Sega Outrun 2 cabinet. I had sent them to...


Initial D Arcade Cabinet (part 1)

Time to reveal another project I’m working on…. I’m going to build another racing arcade game. I recently purchased another arcade cabinet (with the wife’s permission). As you may have seen here, some years ago I built an arcade racing...


2024 Customer work

A quick update to show a couple of jobs I’ve done for customers this year. I’m only accepting a few work requests now and again, but this allowed for more free time for my other projects. I’ll create posts about...


Sega Game Gear Repair and LCD Upgrade

This was a nice little project. I found a game gear in my storage room that needed a little TLC. New caps got it working again, but I decided to do a new LCD installation to really make it fun...


Neo Geo AES Memory Repair

Fixing a memory issue on a customers NEO-Geo AES. Diagnosing the issue, replacing the memory and finding faulty trace. Back in June of this year a customer send me an AES to install a Unibios. All went well and the...

Sega Saturn modded 0

N64 and Sega Saturn mods (August 23)

Installing N64 RGB mod board and various mods for Sega Saturn console. Commission work blog post. This post was for August this year. Again another backdated update. So this time a customer sent me an PAL N64 and Sega Saturn...


64HD N64 HDMI Mod Installation

Time for something a bit different. I know there are a lot of mods out there focusing on updating consoles to more modern TV connection standards. This isn’t something I usually keep track of for personal use, as I still...